Home Vision World TRAVELLING WITH YOUR BIKE: WHAT TO PACK PEDRO’S TIPS: CHOOSING ALLOY VS CARBON WHEELS 2016 NAHBS SHOW RECAP 23 Feb 2016 TRAVELLING WITH YOUR BIKE: WHAT TO PACK When you’re travelling with your bike, it’s easy to forget the training and racing essentials. But not with Vision’s guide to travelling with your bike.Nothing motivates a cyclist more than a training camp or race aboard. A new culture, new routes and, ideally, warmer climes provides the perfect two-wheeled escape from the 9 to 5. But that enthusiasm will disappear down the drain if you’re not equipped for all scenarios. Granted, even the dopiest of cyclist won’t forget their bike (see our guide on how to pack your bike, here), but there are some pieces of kit that might not even be on your checklist – try this: Whether you’re racing, or relaxing – or both – traveling with your bike always goes best when you are well organisedExtra wheelsYour deep-rimmed Vision Metron 81s might be your pride and joy but it’s always worth taking an extra set of wheels. When it comes to racing, you have the added security of a replacement if the worst happens and your race rims are damaged.If you’re attending a training camp, having a climbing wheel like the Metron 40 or a second pair of training wheels such as the Trimax 35 will give you wheel choice whatever topography you’re confronted with. Either way, protect them with the Vision Wheels Bag.A spare or alternative set of wheels is always high on our list to pack – but make sure you look after them. The Vision Wheels Bag is tough, light and durable to protect your wheels, skewers and other accessoriesBike wardrobeTake clothing suitable for the potential climatic scenarios you’ll face abroad – this is especially important if your destination features significant climbs. At base camp you might be drenched in sun and 30°C-plus temperatures. Come the mountain’s peak, it could be single figures and raining. So at the minimum, waterproof jacket that scrunches up into your rear pocket is a must. Arm and leg warmers are also recommended, and you can’t go wrong with a base layer.SparesSome areas of the world are cycling havens with shops stacked with inner tubes, cleats and brakes pads on tap. Others are newly discovered and consist of a road… and that’s about it. So make sure you take a minimum of three inner tubes, a pump and/or gas canisters, puncture repair kit and a comprehensive tool kit including Allen keys, Torx drivers (if your bike has Torx bolts), pedal spanner and spoke key. A wet-weather tyre’s also a recommended option if there’s a good chance of rain.Small bike lockThis is more one for training camps but it’s not a bad idea to keep one tucked away in a saddlebag for mid-training café stops.Medical suppliesInclude the essentials, namely: painkillers, personal medication, plasters, wet wipes, first-aid kit, antihistamines – and, always top of the list, chamois cream!Performance eyewearThis is an easy item to forget, yet it’s one that can provide the most comfort. There are some great pairs on the market but glasses with photochromatic or interchangeable lenses are a good choice. Both offer optimum vision no matter what the light conditions. If you have a second pair, pack them as back-up.Water bottles and nutritionInevitably your rides will reach decent distances so it’s vital you remember the fuel and fuel carriers. We’d probably go with 750ml water bottles so you’re adequately prepared in case you go off-piste and accidentally add kilometers to your intended route.Also bring the sports nutrition you’re familiar with back at home, whether that’s gels, bars or powder. That said, if you do some digging before you set off and find the product you’re used to is available at your destination, buy it there to save travelling weight.Sun creamA reputable suncream that’s UVA and UVB resistant, comes in at factor 30 or above and is water-resistant to your sweating torso is the ideal here.Portable coffee makerThere are plenty of lightweight coffee makers on the market designed for travelling and means you can take your favorite choice of coffee. They’re cheap, too, starting from around €20, and will start your day right wherever you and your bike travel! Related News 20 Oct 2020 FROM RIM TO DISC BRAKE: HOW HAVE WHEELS CHANGED? The introduction of the disc brake has brought wit 21 Jul 2020 Vision Aerobar vs Road bar for Ironman 70.3 Choosing the right aerobar is an important decision when preparing 28 Mar 2020 Vision Tech Guide: Washing your bike at home Whether you are a Pro or a simple cycling enthusiast, these days yo